Our little
Ko man had another peaceful day! Everything with his Chemo went well.
Koen had a hearing test with the results being he can hear perfectly! His hearing is a huge prayer request! With the Chemo he could have some hearing loss which would be
permanent. Please continue to pray that his hearing will stay the same and not be affected would be such a BLESSING!
Koen still needs help breathing but he is breathing over the ventilator. He is thriving and proving that his lungs can work. The main reason the doctors are keeping
Koen on the ventilator is due to the size of the tumor. There is so much pressure from the tumor on his lungs that it is causing the lower part of his lungs to collapse. Another HUGE prayer request would be for the Chemo to work quickly and take the pressure off of his lungs so he can be taken off of the ventilator.
Koen has been much more responsive today. It is so nice to see this but breaks my heart at the same time. Since he is on the ventilator it is impossible for him to talk so he was using sign language. It was sad because he was signing drink but we weren't able to give him one. It was also sweet but very sad when
Kaitin and Gavin had to leave to go home and
Koen started crying.
Koen is really missing his brothers. When
Kaitin and Gavin are in the room he is so peaceful. I think the sound of their voices is good for
Koen to hear. It's been a very hard day for me. It's so hard when you have a child in the hospital and also two healthy boys that love and need me just as much. Also, with just moving and not getting to move myself in was very stressful. My sister
Karlissa has been a huge help and a blessing with helping me get the house put together. I know it has to be very hard and stressful on her jumping right into motherhood!
Karlissa is doing an AWESOME job and I am so GRATEFUL for her.
Koen will be getting some more Chemo today so please keep him in your prayers. 1.that everything goes as planned 2.
Koen's body handles it well with no side affects. It also makes me sad because the medicine they will be giving him is one that will cause hair loss. But I know that it is just hair and it will grow back! I think it's just hard because it is a reminder what my little boy is going through. I know GOD works everything for good and that is what I am holding on to. I also know GOD has a purpose in all of this. I might not see the whole picture but I know GOD is on our side and working through my little man. Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts. It means so much to know millions of you are joining with us in prayer for our little boy. With much LOVE!~~~
Koen's Mommy